Community for Christ Assistance Center

Supporting those in our community

The center began service to the community on November 1, 2004. Twenty six churches are involved in providing food and clothing for those who qualify. The proceeds from the thrift shop provide money needed for medicine, gas, and groceries that are not donated by the churches.

Annual School Fair

The Community for Christ Assistance Center (CFCAC) also holds its annual school fair in which backpacks, school supplies, haircuts and immunizations are provided for students in the local area.

Our Role

The St. Peter’s family will be asked to work at the center on a Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday about every month. Flour, sugar, powdered milk, peanut butter, cleaning, and laundry supplies are the most needed items. We will keep the box for donations in the entryway of the church all year.

Thank you for your support to this ambitious project for those less fortunate in our community!